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Welcome to my portfolio. I invite you to explore my site to get a better understanding of my range, technique and professional experience. Throughout the site you'll find a mixture of my work from different projects and employers, categorized by medium for easier digestion. Enjoy browsing some highlighted samples below to get started or check out specific mediums in the navigation above. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thanks for looking!



It’s hard to say what had a bigger influence on my career—tracing drawings in Mad Magazine as a kid or growing up in the Southern California skateboard and music subcultures. You can see shades of both in my work, but don't be fooled into thinking I'm a one-trick designer (or skater).


The list of clients I've worked on through my time at McFarlane Toys is pretty extensive, and let's be honest, pretty fun. As you browse through my portfolio I'm sure you'll see a few brands you’ve heard of. One thing's for sure – those experiences gave me an invaluable education in designing and licensing.


Always willing to embrace new challenges, I've also worked in the world of aesthetic medicine. This experience has expanded my work to areas which I hadn't previously considered. I've enjoyed the growth (and healthy skin) that this experience has produced.


I've provided creative and art direction, design supervision and production for in-house design teams on everything from ads and websites to logos and trade shows. Plus, I've spent time as a Project Manager which has deepened my appreciation for the business side of creative work.


I earned a BA in Art & Graphic Design from California State University San Bernardino. Since then I've also earned my fair share of scars from skateboarding too.

Black Pencils and Magazine

"I'm trying to interpret something emotionally, visually. I'm reading the brief or article, or listening to the music, and deciding where that sends me, and what would it look like."



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